As part of my discussions at the hospital yesterday one of the things we talked about was getting me as well as possible ahead of my re entry into chemo land on later in the week. We talked about my ongoing insomnia problem. I don't like taking sleeping tablets or "sleep aids" as they are sometimes politely called. But I could see the logic in trying to get a couple of good nights sleep in. So agreed to a short term plan for a couple of nights.
However I did not react well to whatever I took last night. It took forever to get off to sleep. Woke several times in the night. And has caused all sorts of digestive problems. I made it to my class this morning just about, but couldn't do everything. And needed to come promptly home afterwards.
How annoying. I don't need to be feeling ill 2 days before I am about to be feeling bloomin awful anyway. I won't be taking any more of that sleep aid. In my case it has been more of a "make you feel rubbish aid." Genius.
1 week ago
Sleep aids are quite an individual thing. I have tried a few and eventually the one that work for me are not a traditional sleeping pill at all, but an "Anti-phycotic" How bad does that sound.
But they work as and when I need them
Just managed a couple of hours of shut eye on the sofa. I am having some reflexology early evening tonight which has helped in the past. I actually find paracetamol quite helpful!
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