Sunday 20 December 2009

Visiting the Earps

I went to visit my uni friend Lynds and her family for a couple of days this week. They live near Malvern, which is famous for it's water. It was lovely to get a change of scene and hang out with them. And despite the 3 week old Sophie, and nearly 3 year old Grace not really sleeping much at night, I got some very good sleep indeed.

It's lovely spending time with friends where you don't need to have any particular plan at all. You can just chat and drink tea and spend a lot of time sitting on the sofa. Nice.

Here is Grace - who's best line of the visit was just after eating one of the pink fairy cakes I made her - "that was the best cake I have ever eaten!" She knows how to make me feel good:

And little Sophie. Who looks SO much like Grace did when she was a baby I had a very strange sense of deja vu:

Thank you Earps for a lovely couple of days.

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