Thursday 17 December 2009

Thank you and my Christmas Wish

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

To all who donated me shoes, books, clothes, dvds, bags etc etc for my ebay project. I have just donated £500 to Breast Cancer Campaign on-line. Together with the £120 I raised from the pub quiz's and and additional £14o of gift aid, that brings the total to £760. All this money will go straight into targeted research towards finding that longed for cure for this horrid disease.

It has been a good year for raising money towards funding Breast Cancer research. In May I walked 16 miles as part of the Pink Power Walk in my local area and raised £1,020 for Breakthrough Breast Cancer. With gift aid that brings that to over £1,250.

Those who know me well, know I spent a long time in fear of fundraising for Breast Cancer charities. I didn't want the association. I just longed, and still do, to be free of it. But doing this "bit" has helped me to feel supported. And I am contributing towards the hope of a future that, one day, our world will be free of Breast Cancer.

But for now, this is where I am. And with your support, sore legs from my walk in May, and many many trips to the post office....I have raised over £2,000.

Whilst this is good, it is a drop in the ocean as far as amounts that are needed to keep funding targeted research.

And so. My Christmas wish is:

Click on the link below and donate what you can. Even if it is only a fiver. As Mother Theresa once said:

"It may only be a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made up of lots of drops."

Thank you again. And my second wish is that you have a very Merry Christmas.

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