Monday 1 February 2010

Tube Station Fancy dress Party

I went to a farewell fancy dress party at the weekend. The theme was to go dressed as a tube station. Tough one I thought initially but here are some of the things people came up with:

Little Paddington Bear:

Seven Sisters:

Angel, Paddington Bear and Heathrow:

And I also went as Angel:


Other costumes included Oxford Circus, quite a lot of Bakers, a Banker, a very cross David Brent (Brent Cross) and four forks and a hall for Vauxhall. Oh and an England footballer for Wembley.

Gen and I put our culinary baking skills to action and came up with these little cakes:

Much fun and laughter was had by all. Have a great time in Oz Mark.


Mark said...

Thanks soooo much for my cakes, they really were the finest cupcakes in all the land, in all of the lands in fact.

But thanks largely just for being there. Will miss you.

Peas and pies. : )

Unknown said...

Hello my love! We have always wanted to go (or arrange) a come as a tube station party. Kate wanted to come as a witch (Turnham Green).