Am just back from a cold but lovely bike ride in Richmond Park. I looked out the window this morning while reading the Sunday paper and decided it was too nice a blue sky to miss out the park today. Not been on my bike in far too long. It was really lovely. Look what I live next to:

It's not always easy to get in the zone of just enjoying what is. Of seeing other people, out and about, whom I presume don't live with elephants.
But I feel good for the fresh air and the exercise. And the park is a good place be.
And yikes. United are 1-0 down to Leeds at Old Trafford right now...come on United. Sort it out. Otherwise I will have a grumpy husband return home later. And I don't think pictures of deer and talk of bike rides will lift his spirits.
Wotcher Crossfield! The park looks lovely. I think it is really one of the most beautiful parts of London (and indeed of any city I've been to or lived in). Kate and I went down to Tel Aviv today for the first proper look around. We really loved it. There is a kind of bohemian quarter which was where the original Jewish settlers moved in in the thirties: now every second building is a nice cafe/bakery or else a shop selling artisan pottery and the like. Massey loved it. Just round the corner is another small neighbourhood which is full of Bauhaus architecture. We really liked there too. We also had lunch on the beach - great fish (I had scallops and prawns) and a wonderful view. Never mind that Blomenthal fella: no need for ipods, the waves were crashing ashore just ten yards away! Kate and I both thought how much you and Jonny would enjoy it. That cheered me up a lot because I was worried that we were running out of things to do and places to take you. But I've come up with at least another month of fun excursions. And that's even before we get adventurous and try for Beirut! In other words we are already planning your next trip! I know there must be other places in the world and other people you want to see, so I feel a bit guilty: but not too much. We love you both so much.
Glad to hear you are getting your naps (or trying to). I guess it must always be a balance between trying to fill up every minute of the day and trying to get a bit of a rest. But on the evidence of the two days I had with you, I'd say you are one of the busiest people I know!
About to be fed one of the soups which I think Massey has stolen from you - was sent out to get Butternut squash yesterday.
I love your blog and I love you. Thinking about you all the time.
Soup getting cold.
Hey John. I am sure that we would love another trip to see you both. Not sure you have worked out that that is the main reason we come.
That being said I would get on a plane right now to escape the British freeze we are experiencing here at the moment. And I like the sound of bakeries and potteries and the beach in Tel Aviv.
We will see you soon.
Much love as always
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