My energy is so up and down at the moment. It's been "a bit of a week," what with one thing and another and I seem to be really tired generally. My routine of trying to nap in the day is helping, but sometimes I get it completely wrong and sleep for too long, and then I am all out of sorts.
I babysat for some friends last night and ended up snoozing most of the night on the sofa. Whilst this felt like a real treat at the time, I don't think it's great for routine when you have energy issues like myself. I woke up this morning and applied a large amount of make up to try and fill in the bags under my eyes in an attempt look less scary whilst I was helping to run a workshop. Hardly a great advert for the exercise if I look like I had done a couple of rounds with Frank Bruno.
It went well in the end I think. No one commented on my tired look. And my afternoon nap this afternoon was right on cue.
The frustrating thing with fatigue is when it hits, little things can seem a bit too much. I don't even get round to calling the people I mean to, and then I end up feeling bad (and tired) because I haven't. I find myself in this weird mix of meeting people for cups of tea, going to classes, doing my course, etc and yet being totally useless in other aspects of my life.
But maybe that is just life. We do some bits better than others.
And yes Anne. Tomorrow is all brand new with no mistakes in it. I'm going to add my own twist on that one. Tomorrow is all brand new with no mistakes in it and lots of energy too.
3 hours ago
I don't see you every day, of course, so I don't know for sure but I have a sneaking suspicion that you might be a bit hard on yourself. Vegging out, not getting things done, not phoning the people you are meant to, planning to go out and then watching rubbish television - these are all things that people do. Your reason is fatigue. Most other people (me) are just lazy. From what I've seen of your life you fill it much more than your average bear - that's one of the things that I find so great about you. I remember you apologising for falling asleep when I was visiting: I hadn't even noticed. Anyway, must go as I am (quite genuinely and not for the purposes of making a point) off for a late-afternoon power nap.
Hope you enjoyed your power nap. Makes me feel a bit better to know I am not the only one who needs them. I never used to need to sleep in the day, even a year ago, and that worries me, and this week I have been taking it to a new level. Maybe it's my meds. Whatever. Jonny is always tired too - but that is because the boy works so hard. Hibernation for winter months... xx J
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