I started stretching out the first of my willing volunteers for my course project today. There are a couple of others who are also going to be helping me with my studies too. But I am taking them through the programme one at a time.
I dithered for a little while about what to do my study on. There were really no restrictions. I thought, briefly, about doing something elephant related. What to do post surgery. How to keep supple during treatment. And these would all be worthwhile and helpful things to do. But maybe they are for the future. Right now my course is proving to be a good distraction from anything elephant related, and seeing as it has stomped all over enough of my life, I felt I wanted to keep this as unrelated as possible for now.
Nutrition was another option. I am interested in this. And people often ask about nutrition when undergoing any sort of exercise programme. I discussed this at the studio though, and whilst very interesting, it would be hard to measure results and link directly to the stretch programme I am studying.
So. In the end I settled on taking a couple of willing volunteers through the 30 day Stretch programme. This is quite a commitment for all involved. I meet with my study specimens ideally 3 times a week. And they have to do homework when I am not there.
My first helper is Kate. Measured and photographed pre programme, over the next 30 days I will be helping her to become more flexible and elongate her muscles. This should help improve posture, energy and overall balance in the body.
Stretching like this if you are not used to it can take a bit of getting used to. It can also involve a bit of nice pain. I say nice because it isn't an acute pain, more of a gentle pain that lets you know you are stretching out where you should be.
It's great for me to get out and do this. To feel like I am helping someone with their body and feel like I am using mine positively. And for an hour or so, it isn't about how I am feeling or how my body is. I feel like I am giving to someone else. Using something I have learnt, that I genuinely believe in the benefits of, for positive use. There still seems loads for me to learn though. Those anatomy books haven't been looked at for a few weeks. Best get back to those tomorrow.
3 hours ago
I have never been able to touch my toes. Not even close. Someone once told me that it was a problem of having short Chinese muscles stretched over slightly longer Welsh bones. I'm kind of guessing that that sort of rubbish explanation wouldn't pass your muster.
Whilst I find your logic hilarious John, it is very unlikely to be true.
You must have tight hamstrings.
Am getting requests to add some sort of "stretching" section to my blog. Will see if there is a way to do that.
Being quite tall for a girl myself, it has clearly worked for me. xJ
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